
Diploma in Languages

  • Course code: D-LANG
1 year full time / 2 years part time
Mode (Location)
On campus (Parkville)
February, July
Key dates
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) available
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Entry pathways
Special entry options and Access Melbourne are available
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Undergraduate students can commence the diploma in their first year or second year of their respective bachelors degrees.

  • Students enrolling in the diploma concurrently with a bachelors degree from first year will complete 100 points of study in addition to their bachelors degree program. Students choosing this option will be able to complete 400 points in total.
  • Students enrolling in the diploma concurrently with a bachelors degree from second year, having completed 25 points of language at Level 1, will complete a further 75 points of language study within the diploma. Students choosing this option will be able to complete 350 points in total.
  • Students enrolling in the diploma at third year, having completed 25 points of level 1 and 25 points at level 2 in their bachelors degree, will complete the remaining 100 points of the diploma. Students choosing this option will be able to complete 350 points in total.

Please note: Undergraduate students completing Chinese entry point 1 (beginners) require 125 points of study, therefore it is not possible to complete the equivalent of a Chinese major through the D-Lang, students are required to take the further 25 points (2 subjects) within their bachelors program pending on capacity and course requirements.

It is the student's responsibility to ensure that s/he meets the requirements of the diploma by enrolling in the correct number of subjects at the appropriate year level.

Learn with or without previous experience

You can take the Diploma in Languages even if you don't have any previous language training, or if you wish to develop existing language skills.


You will gain an understanding of the written, spoken and cultural aspects of your chosen language and be able to communicate effectively and confidently. You will be aware of the cultural and social associations of the language to demonstrate how you can contribute within the international career market with a language qualification alongside your studies.

Explore this course

Explore the subjects you could choose as part of this concurrent diploma.