
Diploma in Languages

  • Course code: D-LANG
1 year full time / 2 years part time
Mode (Location)
On campus (Parkville)
February, July
Key dates
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) available
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Entry pathways
Special entry options and Access Melbourne are available
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How to apply

Ready to apply?


Please note that this course is only available to applicants who are currently admitted to a University of Melbourne degree.

Applications open twice each year for start-year (semester one) and mid-year (semester two) entry. It is also possible to commence the diploma in the summer semester if required. A place in the diploma cannot be deferred. You must apply for the diploma prior to the semester in which you wish to commence it.

All students wishing to enrol in a language subject for the first time are required to complete a background questionnaire online.

Language subjects are organised in a progressive sequence of units. Entry and exit points are determined by the student's background in the language, placement testing, prerequisites, or at the discretion of the language program Convenor. Students normally progress through the subjects in consecutive order. Mid-year entry is also possible into language subjects offered in Semester 2, subject to appropriate experience and approval from the Convenor of the language program.

This includes students who have never studied the language before. Based on the questionnaire responses, some students will be placed directly into the most appropriate subject. Others will need to take an online placement test. Depending on the test results, some students may also be asked to provide a sample of writing and/or attend an interview with program staff members to determine the most suitable subject to enrol in.

Application Deadlines

For more information please see the Students Concurrent Diplomas web page.