
Diploma in Languages

  • Course code: D-LANG
1 year full time / 2 years part time
Mode (Location)
On campus (Parkville)
February, July
Key dates
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) available
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Entry pathways
Special entry options and Access Melbourne are available
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Career outcomes



Being able to speak a second language literally opens the door to the world. A language greatly increases your chances landing work in the international career market. You can work as a diplomat, in government, or as a translator.

Further Study


If you'd like to be considered for entry to the BA (Honours), note that as a Diploma graduate, you must have completed a Bachelor of Arts degree to be eligible to apply for the BA (Honours).

The Honours program comprises a research project as well as specialist subjects. Having completed a Diploma of Languages may help you work across different areas of studies, work with translation or provide new insight to your research.

Coursework Masters

If you wish to continue your professional studies at postgraduate level, the studies you undertake in your major can provide a direct pathway to coursework masters degrees in a wide range of areas.

Entry is based on academic merit and in most cases requires completion of a Bachelor degree or equivalent. A Diploma in Languages can help you position your degree within a global context and ensure that you are competitive in the international job market.

Graduate Research Degrees

If you wish to undertake advanced research and explore particular study areas in more depth, there will be opportunities to proceed to a range of Graduate Research Degrees at masters and doctoral level. Language studies can inform your research with understanding broader cultural and social studies and allow you to demonstrate advanced communication skills.

For more information about research higher degree study in Arts and the entry requirements, see the Arts Graduate Research Programs webpages and the Graduate Research Hub.