Graduate Coursework

Master of Mechatronics Engineering

  • Course code: MC-MTRNENG
3 years full time / 6 years part time
Mode (Location)
On campus (Parkville)
February, July
Key dates
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) available
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Entry pathways
Special entry options and Access Melbourne are available
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Student experience


As a mechatronics engineering student, you will have access to a vast range of opportunities to network with industry, develop your professional skills and connect with a dynamic cohort of students from around the world.

Internship subject

Take our Internship subject and intern for an organisation in electronics, automotive, robotics or manufacturing.

Professional skills development

Participate in our Skills Towards Employment Program (STEP) and improve your communication, team work, project management and leadership skills.

Be personally mentored by successful alumni and industry mentors through our STEM Industry Mentoring program.

Engineering student clubs

Connect with likeminded students and network with industry through engineering student clubs, including:

Connect with us from anywhere in the world:

Connect with other students in Australia and overseas with the Study Melbourne Hubs: bringing the Melbourne study experience to you.

You can access events and services with other students in Australia, China, Vietnam, Malaysia and virtually in India so no matter where you are in the world, you’ll be connected to the University of Melbourne and other students. Find out how you can make the most of studying online: explore the Study Melbourne Hubs.


Joseph Alkarra

I really like transferable skills and teamwork, when you design stuff and are more involved in the process than just actually studying material and reporting back on that.

The Master of Mechatronics Engineering allowed for that, and my favorite subject throughout my degree is probably 'Creating Innovative Engineering,' it's a very decent subject.

The class had about 10-13 groups, each group has five or six students with a mentor from the industry. Groups also have an innovation person, a staff member and then there's the teaching team.