About Urban and cultural heritage

Challenges for heritage professionals include the pressures of rapid urbanization; issues of economic and environmental sustainability; and social change.

Study contemporary and theoretical approaches to heritage policy, regulation and practice, new approaches to digital technologies and heritage, issues of heritage significance within historical and cross-cultural contexts, cultural heritage and its social and economic impacts, including tourism, and heritage reconstruction.

Undertake a cross-disciplinary and integrated approach to heritage, internship opportunities, flexible course structures, and teaching by industry partners and outstanding researchers.

Discover the Bachelor of Design

In this video Professor Helene Frichot, Director of the Bachelor of Design, will explore design and explain all the options available to you as a Bachelor of Design student.

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Why study at the University of Melbourne

Industry-ready skills

Industry-ready skills

There is the option to undertake a research project or industry internship.

Taught by leading experts

Taught by leading experts

Your teachers currently work in industry, so you can be sure you’ll be immersed in the most up-to-date knowledge and practice.

Be in demand

Be in demand

Designers are playing an important role expanding the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT), designing smart homes, smart cities and intelligent transportation.