Start date
To be announced
6 weeks / 40 hours
Study mode
$990.00 AUD (inc GST)
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Level up with micro-credentials

Industry-ready skills

Develop in-demand skills aligned with industry best practice you can apply immediately.

Taught by leading experts

Learn from internationally recognised academics and professionals with years of on the ground experience.

Shareable digital certificate

Showcase your capabilities with an industry recognised digital certificate you can share with your professional network. See an example certificate

What you will learn

Gain contemporary skills and knowledge for your job now.

In a world filled with uncertainty, mindfulness is an increasingly sought-after treatment. It's crucial that practitioners are drawing on an evidence base.

This course is ideal for health practitioners across a range of settings – including allied, clinical and educational – seeking the skills and confidence to offer clinical mindfulness practices to clients or patients and ensure their knowledge is backed by the latest research.

Learning is aligned with industry standards and registration frameworks of groups including the Australian Psychology Society and the Australian Clinical Psychology Association.

Explore clinical mindfulness techniques, applications and research

Gain a strong grounding in mindfulness and clinical mindfulness techniques and applications, and explore their efficacy. Integrate and understand theoretical and practical aspects of mindfulness, its benefits, and its relationship to research.

Understand how mindfulness influences behaviour change

Develop your understanding of how clinical mindfulness relates to client self-knowledge, wellbeing and behaviour change. Draw on research and evidence to decide when it's appropriate to use mindfulness as an intervention to support mental health.

Apply clinical mindfulness techniques

Reference underlying theory to identify how to appropriately select and apply mindfulness activities with your clients. Put your knowledge into practice by preparing for a clinical mindfulness session with a patient or client, and explain your approach.

Who you will learn from

Learn from skilled academics and professional experts who will share invaluable knowledge you can use in your job.

Dr Stephen McKenzie

Senior lecturer

Stephen is an expert on mindfulness and has written several books on the subject, including Mindfulness for Life, Mindfulness at Work, and Heartfulness: beyond mindfulness, finding your real life.

More from this series

Take multiple courses to deepen your knowledge or stack towards a full degree.

The Health Leadership suite

This series draws on key psychology tools and techniques, including mindfulness, resilience and behaviour change, to give leaders the capacity to enhance worker and workplace wellbeing

Explore more from the Health Leadership suite:


For individuals

To take Mindfulness in Clinical Practice as a stand-alone micro-credential, you'll pay the normal course price.

$990.00 AUD (inc GST)

Please contact Student Support to discuss discounts and payment options for University of Melbourne staff or alumni, or to pay by invoice.

For teams

If you have three or more team members who are keen to upskill with Mindfulness in Clinical Practice, get in touch to discuss pricing. For large groups, we can also deliver and contextualise this course exclusively for your organisation.

Pricing on request


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