Blockchain and Smart Contract Fundamentals
Gain the skills to develop and write code for smart contracts in blockchain platforms.
Start date
To be announced
6 weeks / 42 hours
Study mode
$1190.00 AUD (inc GST)
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Level up with micro-credentials
Industry-ready skills
Develop in-demand skills aligned with industry best practice you can apply immediately.
Taught by leading experts
Learn from internationally recognised academics and professionals with years of on the ground experience.
Shareable digital certificate
Showcase your capabilities with an industry recognised digital certificate you can share with your professional network. See an example certificate
What you will learn
Gain contemporary skills and knowledge for your job now.
Smart contracts are a crucial component of blockchains for businesses. These programs are used to automate workflows, facilitate online transactions, and enhance security.
This micro-credential is ideal for technology professionals seeking a better understanding of how blockchains work. Plus, you'll gain practical experience writing code for smart contracts with real-world uses.
Understand blockchain foundations, Ethereum Virtual Machine and Solidity
Gain a stronger understanding of the technical foundations of blockchains and decentralised cryptocurrency platforms. Explore the Ethereum Virtual Machine and its Solidity programming language and discover how these tools can be used to design and implement smart contracts.
Explore smart contract limitations and security risks
Examine the limitations of the smart contract model and the challenges to secure implementation. Explore the history of vulnerabilities and attacks on smart contracts, and learn how to identify classic bugs.
Write code for real-world smart contracts
Put your knowledge into practice to build, test, and deploy a basic smart contract for a digital auction house. Your smart contract will be put through test cases to ensure it's well-written and follows standard coding conventions.
Design your own decentralised application
Examine the web3 technology stack used to build decentralised applications with smart contracts at their core. You'll design an application with real-world use, outline the data flow between users and the blockchain, and highlight its potential benefits, costs, and risks.
Who you will learn from
Learn from skilled academics and professional experts who will share invaluable knowledge you can use in your job.
Dr Shaanan Cohney
Senior Lecturer in Cybersecurity
Shaanan is a lecturer in Cybersecurity at the University of Melbourne, and a visiting assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania. His award-winning research focuses on the intersection between cryptography and consumer protection. Shaanan regularly appears in the media, with recent appearances including the New York Times, The Age, and ABC News. His former positions include Cybersecurity Fellow for the U.S. Senate and a Fellowship at Princeton University.
For individuals
To take Blockchain and Smart Contract Fundamentals as a stand-alone micro-credential, you'll pay the normal course price.
$1190.00 AUD (inc GST)
Please contact Student Support to discuss discounts and payment options for University of Melbourne staff or alumni, or to pay by invoice
For teams
If you have three or more team members who are keen to upskill with Blockchain and Smart Contract Fundamentals, get in touch to discuss pricing. For large groups, we can also deliver and contextualise this course exclusively for your organisation.
Pricing on request
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