
Bachelor of Science (Extended)

  • Course code: B-SCIEXT
  • VTAC code: 3800510021
4 years full time
Mode (Location)
On campus (Parkville)
Key dates
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) available
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Entry requirements
65.00 - Lowest selection rank 2024 (guide only)
View full entry requirements
Entry pathways
Special entry options and Access Melbourne are available
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Admission requirements

Admission criteria

This information will help you find the most useful and relevant admission and selection requirements based on your circumstances.

  • Completed secondary education recently (within the past two years) Chevron-down
  • Applicants must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. All applicants must attend an interview. Applicants will be assessed for their likelihood to succeed in the course based on their entire academic record and the interview.

    Consideration of equity, student backgrounds and previous educational disadvantage

    The University of Melbourne takes into consideration equity, student backgrounds and previous education disadvantage through a number of special entry schemes, including Access Melbourne.

    ATAR-based admission information in Semester 1, 2023

    ATAR-based admission for the Bachelor of Science (Extended) (includes data also for any Bachelor of Science (Extended) Graduate Degree Package offers, if applicable).ATAR
    Lowest ATAR where a recent Year 12 student offer was made (excluding students made offers through special entry schemes)N/A for this course
    Lowest ATAR to which an offer was made (including students made offers through special entry schemes) N/P
    Minimum ATAR required for consideration (only applicants eligible for special entry schemes were admitted below the minimum) N/A for this course
    Guaranteed ATAR for applicants who completed Year 12 and were eligible for the Access Melbourne categories of regional or remote and/or disadvantaged financial background*N/A for this course
    Guaranteed ATAR for Indigenous applicants who completed Year 12* 55.00
    Guaranteed ATAR for Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars who completed Year 12 and attended an under-represented school*N/A for this course
    Guaranteed ATAR for Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars who completed Year 12 and did not attend an under-represented school*N/A for this course

    *All students who achieve the specified guaranteed ATAR and meet the course prerequisites will be offered a place

    ATAR profile of those offered places in the Bachelor of Science (Extended) wholly or partly on the basis of ATAR in Semester 1, 2023 (includes data also for any Bachelor of Science (Extended) Graduate Degree Package offers, if applicable). Does not include consideration of student background and equity.

    ATAR-based offers only, across all offer roundsATAR
    Highest rank to receive an offer N/P
    Median rank to receive an offer N/P
    Lowest rank to receive an offer N/P
  • Completed some or all of a higher education qualification Chevron-down
  • Applicants must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. All applicants must attend an interview. Applicants will be assessed for their likelihood to succeed in the course based on their entire academic record and the interview.

  • Completed some or all of a VET qualification Chevron-down
  • Applicants must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. All applicants must attend an interview. Applicants will be assessed for their likelihood to succeed in the course based on their entire academic record and the interview.

  • Applicants with work and/or life experience Chevron-down
  • Applicants must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. All applicants must attend an interview. Applicants will be assessed for their likelihood to succeed in the course based on their entire academic record and the interview.

Additional information

  • Advanced standing Chevron-down
  • Advanced standing (sometimes known as credit or recognition of prior learning) may be awarded based on prior study. Advanced standing is not awarded for work experience in undergraduate degrees.

    How to apply for Advanced Standing

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Chevron-down
  • We are committed to improving participation in higher education by Indigenous students. If you tell us you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent (through the VTAC course application and/or the VTAC SEAS application), your status will be verified by Murrup Barak, the Melbourne Institute for Indigenous Development.

    Once verified, an assessment will be made to determine whether you are likely to succeed in the course you apply for. The usual entry requirements and entry standards for the course will not necessarily apply. However, they will be considered as part of the assessment of whether you are ‘likely to succeed’. When determining your ‘likelihood to succeed’, the additional support available through Murrup Barak and the Wilin Centre will be taken into consideration.

    For some applicants, an Indigenous selection guarantee may apply. Indigenous applicants regularly receive offers when their ATAR (or notional ATAR) is significantly below the lowest selection rank to which an offer was made and the minimum ATAR for a course.

    To be eligible you must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. When applying through VTAC you must complete a SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme) form and select Category 1 'Recognition as an Indigenous Australian'.

  • Student profile of the Bachelor of Science (Extended) Chevron-down
  • The table below gives an indication of the likely peer cohort for new Bachelor of Science (Extended) students at the University of Melbourne. It provides data on students who commenced undergraduate study and were enrolled after the census date in Semester 1, 2023. It includes data for students offered the Bachelor of Science (Extended), in combination with data also for any corresponding Bachelor of Science (Extended) Chancellor’s Scholars Program and/or Graduate Degree Package offers (if applicable).

    Applicant backgroundNumber of studentsPercentage of all students
    Higher education study (domestic)< 5N/P
    Vocational education and training (VET) study (domestic)N/AN/A
    Work and life experience (admitted on the basis of previous achievement not in the other categories) (domestic)N/AN/A
    Recent secondary education - admitted solely on the basis of ATAR (regardless of whether this includes the consideration of adjustment factors such as equity) (domestic)0N/A
    Recent secondary education - admitted where both ATAR and additional criteria were considered (eg, audition, interview) (domestic)<5N/P
    Recent secondary education - admitted on the basis of other criteria only and ATAR was not a factor (eg, portfolio, audition, entrance test etc) (domestic)N/AN/A
    Recent secondary education - overseas secondary qualification (not including the International Baccalaureate Diploma) (domestic)N/AN/A
    International studentsN/AN/A
    All students<5N/P

    <5 - the number of students is less than 5.
    N/A - students not accepted in this category.
    N/P - not published, the number is hidden to prevent calculation of numbers in cells with less than 5 students.