Bachelor of Biomedicine
- #1 in Australia for Clinical, Pre-Clinical and Health
- #20 in the world for Clinical, Pre-Clinical and Health
- Course code: B-BMED
- VTAC code: 3800538051
Domestic student
3 years full time / 6 years part time
Mode (Location)
On campus (Parkville)
February, July
Key dates
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Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) available
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Entry requirements
94.00 - Guaranteed ATAR 2025 (guaranteed entry)
92.00 - Lowest selection rank 2024 (guide only)
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92.00 - Lowest selection rank 2024 (guide only)
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Entry pathways
Special entry options and Access Melbourne are available
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Course structure
Honours is available for this course
Course description
The Bachelor of Biomedicine offers 16 majors across a range of biomedical disciplines. If you're interested in entering the health professions, Biomedicine is an ideal choice.
The Bachelor of Biomedicine prepares you for the challenges of healthcare delivery and biomedical research. At the core of the degree is knowledge of the normal structure and function of the body and consideration of the determinants of disease.
You’ll develop fundamental skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, the analysis of evidence and communication.
Course structure
Students must complete 300 points comprising:
- 225 points of core (biomedicine/science discipline) subjects including:
- At least 75 points at Level 1 including the compulsory subjects or approved equivalents.
- At least 62.5 points at Level 2 including the compulsory subjects or approved equivalents.
- At least 75 points at Level 3 including the compulsory subjects or approved equivalents and including the 50 points of a prescribed major.
- 50 points of breadth subjects including at least 12.5 points at Level 2 or Level 3
- 25 points (either biomedicine/science discipline subjects or breadth subjects) at Level 1, 2 or 3
- No more than 125 points at Level 1 may be included in the Bachelor of Biomedicine
- No more than 37.5 points of breadth at Level 1 may be included in the Bachelor of Biomedicine
- Progression: Students must normally complete 50 points of study at one subject year level before proceeding to the next subject year level. In particular, at least 50 points at Level 1, including BIOL10002 Biomolecules & Cells, BIOL10003 Genes & Environment and CHEM10006 Chemistry for Biomedicine must be completed before students may proceed to Level 2 core subjects.
The core (biomedicine/science discipline) component of the Bachelor of Biomedicine is comprised of:
Core subjects (150 points):
- 50 points at first year level plus 25 points from a set of electives.
- 50 points at second year level.
- 25 points at third year level.
Major sequence at third year level (50 points):
- 50 points of a major in a biomedicine discipline. The subjects taken in the major would normally follow on from relevant compulsory and selective subjects chosen at the second year level. Some Level 3 subjects only require the core compulsory subjects as prerequisites.
- A number of majors or specialisations within some majors cannot be completed within three years (six semesters) from a mid-year start date due to subject availability (possible exception for students eligible for advanced standing). You should pay close attention to prerequisite subjects in the degree and when they are offered to avoid any unnecessary delays to your course.
Elective subjects (25 points):
- Non-compulsory biomedicine/science discipline subjects approved as core in this course. At least 12.5 points must be at Level 2.
- At least 25 points from the Foundation Electives Subject List
Sample course plan
View some sample course plans to help you select subjects that will meet the requirements for this bachelor.
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Explore this course
Explore the subjects you could choose as part of this degree.
Making up one third of your subjects, a major is the subject area you’ll focus on during your undergraduate degree. In your first year you can focus on your major straight away or explore other subjects before deciding on what major you want to pursue. A major generally comprises eight subjects (100 points of study) but can comprise up to 10 subjects (125 points of study).
Explore the majors available in this degree below.
- MajorBiochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology are key biological science disciplines. The knowledge and techniques of the disciplines are applied in many biological fields and have fuelled rapid advances in medical research and biotechnology. This major will provide the springboard for students to enter careers including medical research, biotechnology, agricultural and medical support industries, education etc. This major will develop knowledge in key basic biological processes as well as more specialized areas of molecular science. In addition, an emphasis is placed on developing a foundation in practical skills required for a career as a laboratory scientist. The major will also develop skills in communication, team-work and research essential in the modern scientific workplace.
- MajorBiomedical Engineering Systems
Students who have completed the Biomedical Engineering Systems major will be able to rigorously integrate the fundamental mathematics of systems modelling with the fundamental sciences of biology, chemistry and physics in the formulation and solution of problems involving biomedical systems. More specifically, core skills and knowledge that will be developed include: fundamental scientific comprehension that will lead to accurate mathematical modelling of biological and engineering systems, analytical and abstract thinking, problem-solving and design skills, ability to carry out laboratory experiments to confirm possible solutions to complex problems. At all levels of this major, we will ensure the development of excellent communication skills that will enable our graduates to deliver complex scientific information in a clear and concise fashion. The Biomedical Engineering Systems major will open up pathways for students leading to accredited professional or scientific research careers in biomedical engineering (through further study in the Masters in Engineering or PhD programs respectively), applied mathematics, applied science, teaching, management and finance.
- MajorBiotechnology
Biotechnology is the use of biological knowledge to develop new processes and products for use in industry, health, agribusiness and other areas of human technology. Biotechnology advances can be based on knowledge from biological sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences or engineering. Because of this, the major is not tied to a particular discipline area. The binding concept is that of developing technology from basic discipline knowledge in at least one area. For example, agricultural biotechnology will normally involve some core crop and food technology, molecular biotechnology will normally involve some core molecular biology and chemical biotechnology will normally involve some core chemistry together with some biological science.
The Biotechnology major has a number of streams and integrates knowledge from a variety of scientific disciplines. Students will complete a sequence of specialist subjects in a discipline area and by the end of the major should have developed a detailed knowledge of that area and an appreciation of its biotechnological applications. The major provides students with opportunities to gain practical experience in the laboratory and to develop skills in problem-solving and the analysis, interpretation and communication of scientific data that will prepare them for the workplace.
- MajorCell and Developmental Biology
This major provides students with broad understanding of cell structure and function and explores genetic, molecular and cellular mechanisms of development in a range of organisms and experimental models. It highlights the research methodologies used and how knowledge is applied to improve the human condition. Students should develop specialist skills in understanding cellular processes and experimental approaches used to investigate them. They should also develop generic skills in integrating information from diverse fields, communication and presentation of information, teamwork and independent learning that will equip them for a range of careers in research, biotechnology, government agencies, agriculture, medico-legal and journalism.
- MajorGenetics
Students completing a Genetics major will be prepared for careers or advanced study which involve the application of fundamental genetics, genomics, evolutionary, population and ecological genetics to all areas of biology, biomedical sciences and biotechnology. Graduates will develop knowledge and skills in the theory of genetics and molecular biology, population genetics and evolution and in experimental design, data recording and analysis and scientific writing, which are essential preparation for roles in universities, research institutes, government departments, hospitals and in the biotechnology industry. This major will integrate knowledge across the breadth of genetics, including an integrated practical capstone subject in which the students develop an understanding of the application of experimental analysis to solving problems in biology. Students will gain experience preparing them for the workplace by participating in problem-solving, synthesis of information, written work, and independent as well as collaborative activities. The transferable skills developed in this major can be used in broad careers in science, including conservation, teaching, forensics, publishing, genetic counselling and research and in careers beyond the field of science.
- MajorHuman Nutrition
The major in Human Nutrition will prepare graduates for careers in areas including the food industry, government regulatory authorities, dietetics and secondary school teaching (the latter two requiring further qualifications), as well as a pathway to higher degrees in nutrition research and many other health related fields. Basic sciences underpin this major, which connects the science of agriculture, to food production and processing, the nutrient composition of foods, the interaction of those nutrients with our biochemical and physiological make up and the impact of diet in general on health and disease at the individual and population level. The major may also form a pathway into Masters of Dietetics at universities within Australia. Completion of the Nutrition Major will qualify students for registration within the Nutrition Society of Australia's Voluntary register of nutritionists. Students completing the major may be eligible to apply for Honours in Human Nutrition.
- MajorHuman Structure and Function
The Human Structure and Function Major will explain how the human body works, based on a deep understanding of the relationship between physiology and anatomy. The subjects are structured so that the anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of the human body are taught in carefully integrated units that also introduce elements from pathology, pharmacology and zoology as relevant. It will suit students entering: medical and health related sciences, postgraduate research work in applied anatomy and physiology; teaching and research in University departments and in hospitals; with pharmaceutical companies; in media liaison, consultancies and scientific journalism.
- MajorImmunology
This major provides students with a detailed understanding of Immunology, the study of our immune system. The major describes how Immunology is studied and applied to a range of areas in the biomedical sciences. The major opens up careers in infectious diseases, diagnostics, molecular biology, biotechnology, vaccinology, biosafety and regulation as well as providing an avenue towards post-graduate research into infectious agents, their genes, underlying mechanisms of infectious disease and diseases associated with the immune system. It provides a basis for further study into medicine and other paramedical disciplines.
Students intending to undertake this major should be aware that it requires successful completion of a practical-based subject in which products and reagents derived from animals are used.
- MajorInfection and Immunity
This major provides students with a detailed understanding of Microbiology and Immunology. It combines the study of infectious microbial agents, including opportunities to study bacteria, viruses and parasites, with the study of the host's immune responses, which are most often beneficial but sometimes detrimental to the host. It describes how these disciplines are studied and their application to a range of areas in the biomedical sciences. The major opens up careers in infectious disease, diagnostics, molecular biology, biotechnology, vaccinology, antimicrobial chemotherapeutics, biosafety and regulation, as well as post-graduate research into infectious agents, their genes and mechanisms of disease together with the various beneficial and harmful aspects of the immune system. It provides a basis for further study into medicine and other paramedical disciplines.
Students intending to undertake this major should be aware that it requires successful completion of a practical-based subject in which products and reagents derived from animals are used.
- MajorMicrobiology
This major provides students with a detailed understanding of Microbiology, the study of microbial organisms. The major describes how infectious microbial agents are studied, the diseases they cause and their possible prevention or treatment. Aspects of our immune system, how it responds to protect us during infection, and vaccination are discussed. The major also describes how microbiology applies to a range of areas in the biomedical sciences. It opens up careers in infectious disease, diagnostics, molecular biology, biotechnology, vaccinology, antimicrobial chemotherapeutics, biosafety and regulation, as well as post-graduate research into infectious microbial agents, their genes and mechanisms of disease. It provides a basis for further study into medicine and other paramedical disciplines.
Students intending to undertake this major should be aware that it requires successful completion of a practical-based subject in which products and reagents derived from animals are used.
- MajorNeuroscience
It is expected that students completing this Major will understand the fundamental organisational and functional principles of the nervous system: from the biology of nerve cells and neural circuits through to neural systems and ultimately to complex behaviours like thought and emotion. From the two core subjects students will gain an overview of the breath of modern neuroscience to see how a spectrum of science disciplines (such as Cell and Molecular Biology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Zoology and Anatomy) contribute to our understanding of nervous system function. This will also reveal how Neuroscience overlaps with related areas of study, such as Cognitive Science, Psychology and Medicine. Areas of study include how perceptual and motor systems are organised, the crucial role of the nervous system in the regulation of the internal environment of the body, how the nervous system develops, how it has evolved, and the effects of injury, disease and abuse.
- MajorPathology
Pathology is the scientific study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences. It is a branch of science where factors which influence the shift from normal to abnormal and back again are studied at every level from the whole organism to the molecule. Therefore it overlaps with a range of biomedical disciplines such as anatomy, cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology, microbiology and immunology and genetics. The study of Pathology will provide students with background knowledge which will enable them to ask fundamental questions about the response of tissues and cells to injury, mechanisms of healing and the outcomes which may occur when healing is unsuccessful. Students who complete a Pathology major will study findings emerging from research laboratories which are currently investigating some of the most common and intractable diseases in our community e.g. cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative disease and cancer. A Pathology major will also give students the opportunity to experience working in a team on an investigative project and enable them to develop both verbal and written communication skills.
- MajorPharmacology
Subjects in a pharmacology major introduce students to the unified study of the interaction between chemical agents and living matter. A pharmacology major will teach you how drugs work, and how drugs are used as therapies and as experimental tools for investigation of important problems in biology. Pharmacology extends and complements a range of other biomedical disciplines as well as medicinal chemistry. Graduates will gain an in depth understanding of drug actions and a broad appreciation of the scientific process of knowledge acquisition and problem solving. Thus, a pharmacology major will provide the springboard for students entering careers in many areas of biomedical research and associated industries and regulatory authorities.
- MajorPhysiology
The Physiology major will teach students how the body works. Students will learn about the ways in which cells, organs and the whole body function in an integrated way. By understanding normal function, students will investigate disturbances in whole body systems such as those relating to the endocrine, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, developmental and neural control systems. The experimental bases of physiology are emphasized and students will use contemporary techniques to examine questions in physiology. Discoveries in physiology have a broad impact upon health and medicine, environmental science, industry, nutrition, exercise and reproductive biology. Many of the discoveries from the human genome project rely on physiology to understand their impact on the human body.
- MajorPsychology
Psychology is a broad and intellectually fascinating scientific discipline focused on understanding behaviour and experience, particularly in humans. The science of psychology involves a wide range of perspectives and approaches, with psychological research findings having important applications in areas such as health, education, business, and commerce, as well as informing us about how human behaviours and motivations relate to a wide range of societal issues.
Taught at the University since the late 1800s, the Psychology undergraduate program is designed to provide students with flexibility and choice, offering a broad range of subjects that provide a thorough and extensive grounding in the discipline. Studies in psychology prepare graduates for a diverse range of careers that are based on understanding human behaviour, including health, education, industry, commerce, welfare and government.
Completion of a Psychology major accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) is the first step towards registration as a practicing psychologist, and is the recommended pathway for a career as a research psychologist.
The APAC accredited sequence consists of a prescribed minimum of 125 credit points of Psychology subjects (10 subjects, each worth 12.5 credit points), comprising 100 credit points of core psychology subjects (two at Level 1; four at Level 2; two at Level 3), and 25 credit points of Psychology subjects selected from a range of Level 3 Psychology elective subjects (two elective subjects).
The APAC accredited psychology major provides a strong grounding in basic psychological concepts and theories and their applications in the areas of biological, cognitive, developmental, social, and clinical psychology. Students will also develop skills in research methods and data analysis, and an advanced knowledge in at least one domain of psychology.
A non-APAC-accredited 50-point sequence of Level 3 subjects is also available within the Bachelor of Biomedicine.
- MajorPublic Health and Epidemiology
Public health is the area of health concerned with promoting and protecting the health of populations and communities. This includes efforts to prevent the spread of infectious disease, improve access to healthy food options, promote physical activity and fitness, and ensure safe food and water in communities. In this major, students will study key aspects of public health, including epidemiology, ethics and equity, and health communication. The capstone subject, 'Communicating for Health, Not Harm,' will give students the opportunity to contribute to a real-life health promotion campaign and work to benefit the health of university students.
This major's subjects may be credited towards the Master of Public Health degree at the University of Melbourne. Additionally, the public health major is highly relevant for students pursuing careers as health professionals, as it provides an understanding of the many factors that impact an individual's health. Students will also develop skills essential for health professional practice, such as communication, ethical health practice, and interpretation of data.
You have the option to study an extra qualification alongside your degree. If you’re a passionate musician, programmer or mathematician, or have an interest in languages, you can enrol in one of four concurrent diplomas alongside your bachelors degree - computing, languages, mathematics or music. A concurrent diploma consists of 100 credit points and usually involves an additional year of full-time study.
Explore our concurrent diplomas below.
- Concurrent DiplomaDiploma in Music
The Diploma in Music provides students with the opportunity to undertake a tailored sequence of music study and gain a music qualification while completing an undergraduate degree in another field at The University of Melbourne. It is available to students enrolled in an undergraduate degree other than the Bachelor of Music and the Bachelor of Fine Arts. It is studied concurrently with the bachelor degree.
Diploma in Music students study for a music qualification alongside Bachelor of Music students, giving the opportunity to build valuable friendships and networks in a challenging musical environment. A range of study options is available across all areas of specialisation within the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, including practical music, ensemble music performance, aural studies, composition, improvisation, music history and theory. Students are encouraged to follow their own areas of interest, constructing a bespoke program of study from the range of elective choices available.
The Diploma may only be awarded on the completion of the concurrent degree course. This means that graduation from the Diploma will only occur at the same time as graduation from the concurrent course.
A concurrent diploma must be undertaken at the same time as your substantive degree (e.g. Bachelor of Arts) and is considered to be a combined course for the purposes of the Student Assistance (Education Institutions and Courses) Determination 2019. More information on concurrent diplomas is found here.
- Concurrent DiplomaDiploma in Computing
The Diploma in Computing will provide students in almost all areas of study with the option of complementing their principal undergraduate major with a program in the IT area, designed to give them familiarity with a range of data manipulation and presentation techniques. The delivery format via a concurrent diploma is designed to build on and extend students’ main study, with the expectation that students will contribute problems and challenges from their main study area to their Diploma subjects.
A concurrent diploma must be undertaken at the same time as your substantive degree (e.g. Bachelor of Arts) and is considered to be a combined course for the purposes of the Student Assistance (Education Institutions and Courses) Determination 2019. More information on concurrent diplomas is found here.
- Concurrent DiplomaDiploma in Mathematical Sciences
The Diploma in Mathematical Sciences is a 100-point diploma, normally taken concurrently with an undergraduate degree.
The Diploma in Mathematical Sciences is a great way to use and develop your mathematical skills and complement your undergraduate studies. The high-level numerical and modelling skills you will gain can be applied across almost every area of employment and are always in demand.
This diploma is studied concurrently on a part-time basis with a bachelor degree. Within the Diploma, students will complete the requirements of the Mathematics and Statistics major from the Bachelor of Science. The Diploma consists of 1 year EFTSL of study completed concurrently with an undergraduate degree usually over 3-4 years.
A concurrent diploma must be undertaken at the same time as your substantive degree (e.g. Bachelor of Arts) and is considered to be a combined course for the purposes of the Student Assistance (Education Institutions and Courses) Determination 2019. More information on concurrent diplomas is found here.
Please note: The Diploma in Mathematical Sciences is not available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science who are taking the Data Science, Mathematics and Statistics or Mathematical Physics majors.
- Concurrent DiplomaDiploma in Languages
Concurrent Diplomas are not available to students studying on a student visa, or student visa applicants.
The Diploma in Languages (D-Lang) is a concurrent program and provides students with the opportunity to undertake language study while completing an undergraduate, graduate coursework or RHD program at the University of Melbourne.
There are 13 languages on offer in the Diploma in Languages, and students will progress through a sequence of eight subjects in their chosen language. Students are able to commence the program at different entry points pending on proficiency, as outlined in the specific language's specialisation page.
The Diploma in Languages will usually add one year duration to your studies. Undergraduate students have the option to fast track and may complete both programs in three and a half or three years. The duration for graduate coursework students varies on their program, advice and permission for graduates should be sought from their home Faculty prior to application.
The Diploma may only be awarded on the completion of both programs. Domestic students enrolled in a Graduate Coursework or Research Higher Degree course will have access to Commonwealth supported places. International Graduate Coursework and RHD students will attract International undergraduate fees for the Diploma in Languages.
A concurrent diploma must be undertaken at the same time as your substantive degree (e.g. Bachelor of Arts) and is considered to be a combined course for the purposes of the Student Assistance (Education Institutions and Courses) Determination 2019. More information on concurrent diplomas is found here.
Breadth is a key feature of the Melbourne curriculum that allows you to study a wide range of subjects. In addition to the subjects offered in your core area of study, you can also take subjects from other disciplines. Explore beyond your study area to build an interdisciplinary skillset and develop additional critical thinking, problem-solving, communication and leadership skills.
Explore the range of breadth subjects below.
- Breadth TrackActing for Stage and Screen
This Breadth Track progressively develops knowledge and skill for acting on stage and in film and TV.
- Breadth TrackAI and the Law
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is predicted to play an increasingly integral role in almost all aspects of our lives, including in fields of policing, public administration, environmental protection, education, medicine, finance and law. This track provides students with the skills necessary to deal with the technical, ethical and legal challenges that arise in designing, governing and regulating AI that is fair, safe and beneficial to society. This specialist track builds on the work of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Ethics (CAIDE), a cross disciplinary research centre at the University of Melbourne bringing together academics researching all aspects of AI ethics and regulation, including from engineering, computer science, humanities, science and law.
- Breadth TrackAncient Civilizations A
This breadth track explores issues related to ancient civilizations.
- Breadth TrackAncient Civilizations B
This breadth track explores issues related to ancient civilisations, with a focus on mythology.
- Breadth TrackAncient Egypt and the Near East
This breadth track explores issues related to ancient civilizations, with a focus on Ancient Egypt and the Near East.
- Breadth TrackAncient Greece Studies
This breadth track explores issues related to ancient civilizations, with a focus on Ancient Greece.
- Breadth TrackAncient Greek
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Ancient Greek.
- Breadth TrackAnthropology - ritual, meaning and performance
This breadth track explores issues related to ritual, meaning and performance from an anthropological perspective.
- Breadth TrackAnthropology - self and society
This breadth track explores issues related to self and society.
- Breadth TrackAnthropology - structures, identity and power
This breadth track explores issues related to structures, identity and power.
- Breadth TrackArabic - Entry Point 1
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in the Arabic language for beginners.
- Breadth TrackArchaeology
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Archaeology.
- Breadth TrackArchitectural History
This breadth track surveys the history of architecture from the beginnings of shelter to the present day.
- Breadth TrackArchitecture
This breadth track introduces students to the basics of architectural design and history and provide students with the prerequisite subjects to apply for entry into the 300-point Master of Architecture.
- Breadth TrackArts Practice and Engagement
This breadth track explores drama/theatre/music and visual arts making and presenting in relation to a diverse range of learning settings from the perspective of the artist and community.
- Breadth TrackChinese - Entry Point 1
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Chinese language for beginners.
- Breadth TrackChinese - Entry Point 3
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Chinese language for students who have taken Chinese at VCE level.
- Breadth TrackChinese Studies
This breadth track explores issues related to Chinese Studies.
- Breadth TrackChoral Performance
This breadth track explores the diversity of choral music and progressively develops knowledge and skills in choral performance.
- Breadth TrackClimate and Water
Climate and Water integrates the major challenges being faced both nationally and internationally integrating knowledge across disciplines to provide strategies for developing appropriate responses to these challenges.
- Breadth TrackClimate Change
This breadth track explores issues related to climate change from a multidisciplinary perspective.
- Breadth TrackContemporary Public Economic Policy
This breadth track covers key economics concepts and techniques needed to make sense of contemporary policy debates.
- Breadth TrackCreative Writing
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Creative Writing.
- Breadth TrackCreativity, the Arts and Young People
Explore artistic play, expression and performance in the growth and creative development of children and young people through active and experimental learning in diverse settings.
- Breadth TrackCriminology
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge of crime and crime control and helps develop analytical skills in criminology.
- Breadth TrackCultural Astronomy
- Breadth TrackDancing the Dance
This Breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in dance styles and approaches to physical training whilst exploring how movement, languages and choreographic approaches can be used to express ideas and realise performance.
- Breadth TrackDeafness and Communication
This breadth track explores issues related to Deafness and communication, from a wide range of perspectives including social, cultural, and technological. There is also a focus on visual communication and Auslan, the language of the Australian signing Deaf community.
- Breadth TrackDevelopment Studies
This breadth track explores issues related to development studies.
- Breadth TrackDoing business in Asia
This breadth track improves your chances of achieving business success with our most important trading partners.
- Breadth TrackDrawing, Painting and Observation
This breadth track progressively develops skills in drawing and painting. Students learn practical hand-on techniques and processes whilst also gaining a greater understanding of how art communicates ideas.
- Breadth TrackEnglish
This breadth track explores issues related to English literature.
- Breadth TrackEntrepreneurship & Innovation
This breadth track develops knowledge and skills to assist you in starting your new business venture.
- Breadth TrackEthics and Investing
This breadth track explores how to avoid repeating the GFC and what you as an investor can do to save the planet.
- Breadth TrackExperiencing Indigenous Cultural and Creative Practices
This breadth track engages with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creative and cultural practices, with a focus on connections to Country and place, while developing cultural literacies, critical thinking, and deep listening skills. Each subject focuses on Indigenous artistic practices through which students will investigate knowledges, technologies and architectures, place and ways of knowing, being and doing.
- Breadth TrackForensic Accounting
This breadth track offers a moderate level of financial literacy, along with an understanding of the incidence and nature of financial fraud.
- Breadth TrackForests and Fire
Forests and fire introduces students to forests from social, historical, environmental and economic perspectives and provides an understanding of the effects of fuel, weather and climate on the nature and periodicity of bushfires, as well as the social and economic impact of bushfires.
- Breadth TrackFrench - Entry Point 1
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in French language for beginners.
- Breadth TrackFrench - Entry Point 3
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in French language for students who have taken French at VCE level.
- Breadth TrackFrench - Entry Point 5
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in French language for students who are at an Advanced Level.
- Breadth TrackFrench - Entry Point 7
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in French language for students who are at a super advanced Level.
- Breadth TrackFundamentals of Finance and Accounting
This breadth track offers sufficient accounting and finance to gain a basic level of financial literacy with an emphasis on the operation of financial markets.
- Breadth TrackGerman - Entry Point 1
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in German language for beginners.
- Breadth TrackGerman - Entry Point 3
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in German language for students who have taken German at VCE level.
- Breadth TrackGerman Entry Point 5
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in German language for students who have taken German at VCE level.
- Breadth TrackGerman - Entry Point 7
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in German language for students who are native speakers or near-native speakers of German, or for candidates who have spent a number of years in a German speaking country.
- Breadth TrackGlobal Economic Issues
This breadth track develops an ability to think systematically about the globalization debate.
- Breadth TrackGovernment, Public Policy and Management
This breadth track explores issues related to development, implementation and analysis of public policy and management.
- Breadth TrackIndonesian - Entry Point 1
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Indonesian language for beginners.
- Breadth TrackIndonesian - Entry Point 3
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Indonesian language for students who have taken Indonesian at VCE level.
- Breadth TrackIslamic Studies
This breadth track explores issues related to Islamic Studies.
- Breadth TrackItalian - Entry Point 1
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Italian language for beginners.
- Breadth TrackItalian - Entry Point 3
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Italian language for students who have taken Italian to Year 10/11 Italian or equivalent.
- Breadth TrackItalian - Entry Point 5
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Advanced Italian language.
- Breadth TrackJapanese - Entry Point 1
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Japanese language for beginners.
- Breadth TrackJapanese - Entry Point 3
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Japanese language for beginners.
- Breadth TrackKnowing and Learning
Explore the nature of knowledge and how we learn.
- Breadth TrackKorean - Entry Point 1
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Korean language.
- Breadth TrackKorean - Entry Point 3
This breadth track develops knowledge and skills in Korean language and broadens understanding of Korea.
- Breadth TrackLandscape Architecture
This breadth track provides students with an introduction to the Landscape architecture design.
- Breadth TrackLaw - Business and Taxation Law
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in commercial and taxation law.
- Breadth TrackLaw - Business Law
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in commercial, competition, and consumer law.
- Breadth TrackLaw - Media and Intellectual Property Law
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in media and intellectual property law.
- Breadth TrackLeading Community Sport and Recreation
This track examines the educational significance of sport and physical activity, and provides students with the knowledge and skills required to lead physical activity in their community.
- Breadth TrackLinguistics: English Language Studies
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and linguistic skills in the structure of English and English language studies.
- Breadth TrackLinguistics: Language in its social and cultural context
This breadth track explores issues relating to language in its social and cultural context, both within a single cultural context, and across cultural boundaries.
- Breadth TrackLinguistics: Language Structure and Analysis
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in linguistics and the analysis of language structure, drawing on data from the full range of the world's languages.
- Breadth TrackLiving with Animals
Investigates human-animal relationships interactions, where they originated, domestication, and where they are now, examining in detail key relationships between humans and animals.
- Breadth TrackMaking Movies
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in film making, exploring the practicalities behind film and television writing and production.
- Breadth TrackManagement & Leadership in Today's Global Economy
This breadth track builds an understanding of the dynamics of business in today's globalised world.
- Breadth TrackManaging Change
This breadth track helps you to address one of the most important perennial challenges in business.
- Breadth TrackManaging People
This breadth track helps develop an understanding of effective people management, one of the most valuable assets of the successful manager.
- Breadth TrackMarketing Communications and Branding
This breadth track examines how desirable brands are an important corporate asset and being able to communicate effectively with your customers is a major determinant of business success.
- Breadth TrackMarketing Strategy
This breadth track builds knowledge and skills that enable you to develop effective marketing strategies in a globalized world.
- Breadth TrackMiddle East and Islam
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in history, with a focus on the Middle East and Islam. It covers the both early and modern history of the Middle East and North Africa, and of Muslim countries in South East Asia.
- Breadth TrackMusic, Mind and Wellbeing
This breadth track explores issues related to music, mind and wellbeing, including development of musical skills at different life stages, the relationship between music and the brain, as well as music and the body and examination of psychological, sociological and scientific research related to performing and creating music.
- Breadth TrackMusic Outside the Western Tradition
This breadth track explores music of non-Western cultures and societies and the people and social processes involved in music-making.
- Breadth TrackMusic Theatre: A Practice Led Study
This breadth track includes practice led critical studies in music theatre, giving students an opportunity to learn by doing, whilst developing critical thinking and listening skills. In each subject, practical, group singing tutorials are complemented by an engaging lecture series to give students an understanding of what they are embodying when performing some of the most significant and well-known material from the music theatre canon.
- Breadth TrackNatural systems and our designed world
This breadth track explores the relationship of our cities and towns and the natural environment which underpins our society.
- Breadth TrackNon-Western Music Performance
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in non-western music performance, culture and social contexts from around the world.
- Breadth TrackPolitics and International Studies
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in politics and international studies.
- Breadth TrackPopular Music
This breadth track explores the history, culture and social context of music across a range of popular music styles.
- Breadth TrackPositive individuals, organisations and communities
This breadth track explores issues related to positive psychology, with a focus on the relationship between well-being, pro-social behaviour and peak performance at the individual, group and community levels.
- Breadth TrackPrintmaking, Screen-printing and Animation
This Breadth track introduces students to printmaking, screen-printing and animation as art making mediums. Learn technical process and image making skills to develop your own art works.
- Breadth TrackProduct Management
This breadth track builds knowledge and skills to assist you in getting the most out of your products and services.
- Breadth TrackRoman Studies
The Roman Studies breadth track surveys a thousand years of Roman political, social and cultural history (500 BCE - 500 CE). Ancient Rome's highly advanced society represents one of the first of the multicultural civilisations of the pre-industrial era and its study therefore offers many timeless insights into our own increasingly cosmopolitan world.
- Breadth TrackRussian - Entry Point 1
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Russian language for beginners.
- Breadth TrackSociology
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in sociology.
- Breadth TrackSpanish - Entry Point 1
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Spanish language for beginners.
- Breadth TrackSpanish - Entry Point 3
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Spanish language for students who have taken Spanish at VCE level.
- Breadth TrackSpanish - Entry Point 5
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Advanced Spanish language.
- Breadth TrackStudies in Music Composition and Music Language
This breadth track develops theoretical knowledge and applied skills in music language and compositional craft.
- Breadth TrackStudies in Western Music
This breadth track introduces students to fundamental musical concepts including rhythm, melody, harmony, timbre, texture, dynamics and form, and explores the history, culture and social context of western music from the middle ages to the 21st century.
- Breadth TrackTheatre Studies
This breadth track progressively develops knowledge and skills in Theatre Studies.
- Breadth TrackThe Mind of the Consumer
This breadth track develops exciting and useful insights into why consumers behave the way they do.
- Breadth TrackThe Socially Responsible Firm
This breadth track builds understanding of the economic and social importance of corporate social responsibility.
- Breadth TrackUrban Design and Planning
This breadth track gives students a comprehensive foundation in urban design and planning, which focuses on the intersections between architecture, landscape architecture, planning and geography.
- Breadth TrackWine and Food
Explores the interaction between food and wine including the practice of drinking wine and matching food, and also raises some of the issues on the associated social, economic and health impacts on society.
- Breadth TrackYour Money or Your Life
This breadth track is for those seeking to understand and prepare for the coming crises in the retirement saving of an ageing population.
- Breadth TrackYouth, Citizenship and Identity
This breadth track explores issues of youth, citizenship and identity in education.