
Bachelor of Biomedicine

  • Course code: B-BMED
  • VTAC code: 3800538051
3 years full time / 6 years part time
Mode (Location)
On campus (Parkville)
February, July
Key dates
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) available
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Entry requirements
94.00 - Guaranteed ATAR 2025
92.00 - Lowest selection rank 2024 (guide only)
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Entry pathways
Special entry options and Access Melbourne are available
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Course description

The Bachelor of Biomedicine offers 16 majors across a range of biomedical disciplines. If you're interested in entering the health professions, Biomedicine is an ideal choice.

The Bachelor of Biomedicine prepares you for the challenges of healthcare delivery and biomedical research. At the core of the degree is knowledge of the normal structure and function of the body and consideration of the determinants of disease.

You’ll develop fundamental skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, the analysis of evidence and communication.

Course structure

Students must complete 300 points comprising:

  • 225 points of core (biomedicine/science discipline) subjects including:
    • At least 75 points at Level 1 including the compulsory subjects or approved equivalents.
    • At least 62.5 points at Level 2 including the compulsory subjects or approved equivalents.
    • At least 75 points at Level 3 including the compulsory subjects or approved equivalents and including the 50 points of a prescribed major.
  • 50 points of breadth subjects including at least 12.5 points at Level 2 or Level 3
  • 25 points (either biomedicine/science discipline subjects or breadth subjects) at Level 1, 2 or 3


  • No more than 125 points at Level 1 may be included in the Bachelor of Biomedicine
  • No more than 37.5 points of breadth at Level 1 may be included in the Bachelor of Biomedicine
  • Progression: Students must normally complete 50 points of study at one subject year level before proceeding to the next subject year level. In particular, at least 50 points at Level 1, including BIOL10002 Biomolecules & Cells, BIOL10003 Genes & Environment and CHEM10006 Chemistry for Biomedicine must be completed before students may proceed to Level 2 core subjects.

The core (biomedicine/science discipline) component of the Bachelor of Biomedicine is comprised of:

Core subjects (150 points):
  • 50 points at first year level plus 25 points from a set of electives.
  • 50 points at second year level.
  • 25 points at third year level.
Major sequence at third year level (50 points):
  • 50 points of a major in a biomedicine discipline. The subjects taken in the major would normally follow on from relevant compulsory and selective subjects chosen at the second year level. Some Level 3 subjects only require the core compulsory subjects as prerequisites.
  • A number of majors or specialisations within some majors cannot be completed within three years (six semesters) from a mid-year start date due to subject availability (possible exception for students eligible for advanced standing). You should pay close attention to prerequisite subjects in the degree and when they are offered to avoid any unnecessary delays to your course.
Elective subjects (25 points):
  • Non-compulsory biomedicine/science discipline subjects approved as core in this course. At least 12.5 points must be at Level 2.
  • At least 25 points from the Foundation Electives Subject List

Sample course plan

View some sample course plans to help you select subjects that will meet the requirements for this bachelor.

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