
Spanish and Latin American Studies

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The majority of Arts Majors require 100 points of study for attainment. This means out of the 300 point program, you have the opportunity to achieve two Majors in your course. Along with this, the Faculty of Arts offers a variety of Breadth Subjects designed to enhance your learning with options from a variety of fields.

Note: Students completing a Major or Minor in Spanish and Latin American Studies will need to complete a certain distribution of Compulsory and Elective subjects based on their Entry Point. For more information on required subjects, view the Handbook entry for this course.

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Explore the subjects you could choose as part of this major.

Level 1

  • Spanish 1
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • This subject provides students with the necessary language and intercultural skills to communicate in everyday situations in Spanish through project-based and object-based assessment tasks and in-class activities. Students work together to curate an online exhibition, engaging with authentic cultural materials, such as visual artworks, to develop their reading, listening and speaking skills, as well as their digital literacy. Students are afforded a taste of the richness of the Hispanic World while developing workplace skills such as problem-solving, team work, clear communication, curation, information literacy and professionalism. Students are introduced to the grammatical structures and vocabulary that allow them to converse in a number of informal situations, and which will connect them to the societies and cultures of the global Spanish-speaking community. Students develop writing strategies that enable them to produce a number of descriptive, personal texts, such as emails, letters and family profiles. They are encouraged to develop personal awareness and an understanding of diverse cultural identities that make up the Hispanic world.

    Part of the assessment of this subject will contribute to the ePortfolio students develop in their Spanish and Latin American Studies subjects. This digital platform offers students the opportunity to showcase relevant workplace skills and digital and intercultural competencies in the target language, as well as individual interests and ideas.

  • Spanish 2
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • In this subject, students continue to be exposed to the diversity of the Hispanic World through project work and speakers from the community, and to critically reflect on their own awareness and understanding of the cultural identities of the Hispanic World. Students also learn to converse in a variety of situations that progressively become less personal and more related to the world around them. Spanish 2 equips students with more sophisticated language and intercultural skills to engage with authentic materials such as songs, film, social media and short written texts designed to develop an appreciation of the wide range of identities that make up the Hispanic World. Students work on a project involving an interview with a member of the Hispanic community, which fosters both their intercultural skills and their reading, listening, writing and speaking skills. Writing strategies such as editing, summarizing and persuasive techniques prepare students to produce a number of texts including summaries, essays, biographies and blog entries using present and past tenses to describe personal experiences. Important cultural information about food, travel, migration, festivals, personal relationships and working life in the Hispanic World will support students in communicating appropriately. Students also develop their digital literacy as well as a number of skills relevant to a workplace environment, such as problem-solving, team work, clear communication, interviewing, information literacy and professionalism.


    Part of the assessment of this subject will contribute to the ePortfolio students develop in their Spanish and Latin American Studies subjects. This digital platform offers students the opportunity to showcase relevant workplace skills and digital and intercultural competencies in the target language, as well as individual interests and ideas.

Level 2

Students either take both of SPAN20002 and SPAN20003, or just SPAN20027.

  • Spanish 3
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • This subject enhances students’ language and intercultural skills in Spanish. On its successful completion, students will be equipped to describe emotions, places and people in a variety of ways. They will be able to communicate about the self and others through reading and writing personal stories and short critical texts based on researched academic sources. Watching authentic Spanish and Latin American short films and news as well as reading essays, short literary texts and newspapers from different Spanish-speaking countries will provide students with some in-depth knowledge about culturally and politically significant topics in the Spanish-speaking world and Hispanic cultures. They will become confident conversing in everyday informal and some formal situations, and they will showcase their communicative skills in an audio-visual group project producing a short video together. By the end of the semester, students will be able to use a variety of structures and vocabulary in the Spanish language including present and past tenses. Additionally, students will enhance their digital literacy and practice skills as well as a number of skills relevant to a workplace environment, such as problem-solving, teamwork, clear communication, self-evaluation, information literacy and professionalism.

    Part of the assessment of this subject will contribute to the ePortfolio students develop in their Spanish and Latin American Studies subjects. This digital platform offers the opportunity to showcase relevant workplace skills and digital and intercultural competencies in the target language, as well as individual interests and ideas.

  • Spanish 4
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • This subject equips students with increasingly sophisticated language and intercultural skills to communicate about the self and other in Spanish in a wider range of social contexts. On its successful completion, students will be able to comprehend and produce a variety of stories and critical texts that are both informed by and cite academic research sources. They will have the language skills necessary to comprehensively describe emotions, places and people and to use language appropriate to everyday informal situations, as well as a growing number of formal situations. Reading authentic texts from newspapers, online sources such as blogs and social media, as well as shorter literary texts, and watching a number of award-winning short films from different Spanish-speaking countries, students will advance their in-depth knowledge in some areas of contemporary life in the Hispanic world. They will also learn to give their opinion, participate in debates, evaluate and report on ideas in the Spanish language, as well as showcase their growing communicative confidence in an audio-visual group project. Additionally, students will enhance their digital literacy and practice skills as well as a number of skills relevant to a workplace environment, such as problem-solving, teamwork, clear communication, self-evaluation, information literacy and professionalism.

    Part of the assessment of this subject will contribute to the ePortfolio students develop in their Spanish and Latin American Studies subjects. This digital platform offers the opportunity to showcase relevant workplace skills and digital and intercultural competencies in the target language, as well as individual interests and ideas.

  • Intensive Spanish 3 & 4
    25 pts Chevron-down
  • This subject, taught intensively during the summer period, combines two subjects enhancing students’ language and intercultural skills in Spanish. The subject equips students with increasingly sophisticated language and intercultural skills to communicate about the self and other in Spanish in a wider range of social contexts. On its successful completion, students will be able to comprehend and produce a variety of personal stories and critical texts informed by and citing academic research sources. They will have the language skills necessary to describe comprehensively describe emotions, places and people and to use language appropriate to everyday informal situations, as well as a growing number of formal situations. Reading authentic texts from newspapers, online sources such as blogs and social media, as well as shorter literary texts, and watching a number of award-winning short films from different Spanish-speaking countries, students will advance their in-depth knowledge in some areas of contemporary life in the Hispanic world.

    They will also learn to give their opinion, participate in debates, evaluate and report on ideas in the Spanish language, as well as demonstrate their growing communicative confidence in an audio-visual group project. Additionally, students will enhance their digital literacy and practice skills as well as a number of skills relevant to a workplace environment, such as problem-solving, teamwork, clear communication, self-evaluation, information literacy and professionalism.

    Part of the assessment of this subject will contribute to the ePortfolio students develop in their Spanish and Latin American Studies subjects. This digital platform offers the opportunity to showcase relevant workplace skills and digital and intercultural competencies in the target language, as well as individual interests and ideas.

  • Hispanic Cultural Studies
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • This subject allows students to fine tune their language skills by engaging with the heterogenous and diverse cultures, events, ideas, and experiences of the Spanish-Speaking world. Designed as a primer for students interested in learning more about the histories and cultures of Spain and Latin America, students will sharpen their skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and research through an integrative learning experience that involves using the Spanish language to critically examine key cultural texts from the Hispanic world.

    Cultural texts studied may include films, literature, art works, propaganda and/or archived ephemera, which act as catalysts for discussion, critical thinking and insight. Texts analysed and discussed in this subject relate to issues and events of historical and political significance, while touching on shared cultural themes.

    Through a close reading of Spanish-speaking cultural products of various kinds, students will develop an appreciation for the particular powers of each mode of representation. This subject also introduces students to basic research methods in Hispanic Cultural Studies, such as archival work, translation, and the selection and study of primary and secondary sources.

Level 3

Students either take both of SPAN20002 and SPAN20003, or just SPAN20027.

  • Spanish 5
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • In this subject, students will continue to develop their linguistic and cultural competence in Spanish. They will also advance and reflect on their skills in textual analysis, with a special focus on the long tradition of testimonial texts (testimonios) in recent Spanish and Latin American history. Through the study of first-person narratives and authentic Spanish and Latin American short films, news and shorter literary texts, students will learn how to create and use authentic Spanish and Latin American cultural materials across a variety of media based on academic research. This will allow them to produce their own first-person testimonies and critical arguments in the shape of both formal (project presentation, essay writing) and informal contexts (personal blogs, podcasts, videos, etc.). Students will thus gain an appreciation of, and an ability to express their own ideas about the cultural and historical realities that have shaped the Spanish and Latin American modern and contemporary world and recognise idiosyncratic differences within the Spanish-speaking communities.

    They will become confident in and reflect on their use of vocabulary, sentence and text structures utilised in different contexts (formal and informal) and as presented in different newspaper genres, diaries, short and long narrative texts, and audio-visual expressions of the self and the other. In addition, students will enhance their digital literacy and practice skills as well as a number of skills relevant to a workplace environment, such as problem-solving, teamwork, clear communication, project presentation, information literacy and professionalism.

    Part of the assessment of this subject will contribute to the ePortfolio students develop in their Spanish and Latin American Studies subjects. This digital platform offers the opportunity to showcase relevant workplace skills and digital and intercultural competencies in the target language, as well as individual interests and ideas.

  • Spanish 6
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • The focus of this subject will be on the development of the students as confident bicultural and bilingual speakers of the Spanish language, creating short fictional texts and films at a sophisticated level of oral and written language competence. Analysing a variety of oral and written fictional narratives, with an emphasis on authentic Spanish and Latin American short stories and short films, students will identify the diversity they represent and the distinct intellectual and creative contribution of Hispanic fiction to the world based on academic research. This will allow students not only to understand the textual and cinematic structure of different genres, but also to create and reflect on their own narratives in formal (project presentation, script development) and informal contexts (discussion, short film, short story, etc.).

    Students will gain an appreciation of the cultural and historical realities that have shaped artistic expression in the Spanish and Latin American modern and contemporary worlds, recognise idiosyncratic differences within the Spanish-speaking communities and add their own intercultural contribution. They will research, reflect on, and become proficient in using complex sentence structures and verb forms and confident in communicating their own literary ideas in a range of media and fictional genres drawing on a wide variety of vocabulary, oral expressions and textual analysis skills. In addition, students will further cultivate their digital literacy and practice skills as well as a number of skills relevant to a workplace environment, such as problem-solving, teamwork, clear communication, project presentation, information literacy and professionalism.

    Part of the assessment of this subject will contribute to the ePortfolio students develop in their Spanish and Latin American Studies subjects. This digital platform offers the opportunity to showcase relevant workplace skills and digital and intercultural competencies in the target language, as well as individual interests and ideas.

  • Spanish and Latin American Cinema
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • This subject gives students majoring in Spanish and Latin American Studies the opportunity to reflect on their language/culture achievements and to engage in a guided learning program which uses Spanish-language cinema as a vehicle for in-depth cultural and linguistic understanding. Cinema is one of the most important forms of cultural expression in the Spanish and Latin American World, and is used to tell complex social, political, cultural, economic and personal stories. This subject will inspire students to reflect on their language/culture learning experience while completing their major and revisit the film and culture components present in all core and elective Spanish and Latin American Studies subjects.

    During the semester, students are guided in the holistic study of a representative film or group of films from the Spanish-speaking world. This study entails exploring major and emerging Spanish-language cinemas from a variety of aesthetic and industrial perspectives; understanding the culture-society nexus; identifying local varieties of spoken Spanish; and evaluating the transnational value of specific national cinemas. This is a project-based subject, and the assessment is codesigned by students, in that they are able to identify their preferred areas of study and avenues of exploration at the beginning of the semester. The major assessment task involves a professional level presentation based on the group project. Students will have the opportunity to show their work at the Latin American Film Festival.

    This subject is the Capstone subject in the Spanish and Latin American Studies major.