Career outcomes
After completing the Psychology major in the Bachelor of Arts, the Bachelor of Biomedicine or the Bachelor of Science, you’ll be well placed to move into the workforce, further study in psychology or other areas, or graduate research.
Further study
To become a professionally accredited psychologist, study the APAC-accredited 125-point Psychology major sequence, undertake an honours year in Psychology, then progress to a masters degree or combined masters and PhD:
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology)
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Psychology)
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) / Doctor of Philosophy
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology) / Doctor of Philosophy
- Master of Psychology (Educational and Developmental)
- Master of Psychology (Educational and Developmental)/Doctor of Philosophy
- Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology.
Alternatively, the Master of Professional Psychology also offers students who have completed a three-year undergraduate sequence in psychology a pathway to register as a General psychologist.
More about becoming a psychologist.
Another graduate degree you could consider is the Master of Applied Psychology (note that this is not a pathway for professional registration as a psychologist).
Depending on the subjects you take in your undergraduate degree, a range of other graduate degrees may be possible – in fields as diverse as science and technology, engineering, health sciences, teaching, law, business, humanities and more.
If you’re interested in research, you may also consider the Master of Biomedical Science to develop specialised research skills within psychology. More information is available within the Master of Biomedical Science.
Upon completion of the Master of Biomedical Science, you can choose to take on further studies with a PhD or gain employment in a range of industries.
If you complete an honours year or a masters course with a significant research component, you can go on to study a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), or another graduate research program.
This will set you up for a rewarding career in research with a health service, university, or research institute.
Career outcomes
With the extra training needed to qualify as a registered psychologist, you could forge a rewarding career in clinical psychology, clinical neuropsychology, community psychology, counselling psychology, educational psychology, forensic psychology, health psychology, organisational/industrial psychology, sports psychology, or academic psychology.
If you choose to enter the workforce after completing your undergraduate degree, you could put your psychology know-how to work in government, marketing and market research, health promotion, social research, human resources or policy development