
Hebrew and Jewish Studies

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Your course structure

The Bachelor of Arts requires the successful completion of 24 subjects (300-points), including at least one major. Most students study eight subjects each year (usually four subjects in each semester) for three years full-time, or the part-time equivalent.

Most Arts majors require 100 points of study (usually eight subjects) for attainment. This means out of your 300-point program, you have the opportunity to achieve two majors in your course.

Completing your major

Students completing a major or minor in Hebrew and Jewish Studies will need to complete a certain distribution of compulsory and elective subjects based on their entry point. Please note that Hebrew Subjects require a placement test that will be conducted by the subject coordinator.

Example major and minor structures for Entry Point 1

If you are taking Hebrew and Jewish Studies as a major, you must complete:

  • Two level 1 core subjects
  • Two level 2 core subjects and one Level 2 elective
  • Three level 3 core subjects including capstone subject: Research in Contemporary Jewish Studies

If you are taking Hebrew and Jewish Studies as a minor, you must complete:

  • Two level 1 core subjects
  • Two level 2 core subjects
  • Two level 3 subjects

For more information on required subjects, view the Handbook entry for this course.

Breadth studies

Breadth is a unique feature of the Melbourne curriculum. It gives you the chance to explore subjects outside of arts, developing new perspectives and learning to collaborate with others who have different strengths and interests — just as you will in your future career.

Some of our students use breadth to explore creative interests or topics they have always been curious about. Others used breadth to improve their career prospects by complementing their major with a language, communication skills or business expertise.

Explore this major

Explore the subjects you could choose as part of this major.

Level 1

  • Hebrew 1
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • This subject covers the basic word formation and syntax of Modern Hebrew, as well as reading, writing and simple conversation. Students should also gain an historical perspective of the language. Students who complete the subject should have a sufficient grasp of Modern Hebrew grammar, vocabulary and syntax to be able to read simpler modern texts. and an ability to conduct basic conversation and write short assignments.

  • Hebrew 2
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • In this subject, students revise the basic elements covered in semester one, continue with word formation, reading, writing and simple conversation. Students are introduced to more complex grammar and syntax as well as an historical perspective of the language. On completion, students should have a sufficient grasp of modern Hebrew grammar, vocabulary and syntax to be able to read simpler modern texts, and an ability to conduct basic conversation and write short assignments.

Level 2

  • Hebrew 3
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • In this subject students extend their competencies in writing, reading, speaking and listening by engaging with authentic texts with a particular focus on developing the skills of reading, writing and conversing in Hebrew, with emphasis on grammatical structures and expansion of vocabulary. Students will learn the skills to deal with the complexity of authentic texts and will engage in more advanced work on speaking and creative writing, through a reading of contemporary newspapers, magazines, short stories and poetry that will enable them to build their vocabulary.

  • Hebrew 4
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • In this subject, students further extend their competencies in writing, reading, speaking and listening by engaging with authentic texts and situations. The focus is on consolidating and developing the skills of reading, writing, aural comprehension and conversing in Hebrew, with emphasis on grammatical structures and expansion of vocabulary. Students encounter and deal with a wide selection of texts and genres such as opinion pieces, popular songs, poetry, interviews and films and such engagement proffers students with the impetus and inspiration for personal expression of a moderate level of sophistication. The acquisition of advanced linguistic structures enables students to begin to express with more complexity their own experiences, wishes and views. The subjects involves features advanced work on speaking and creative writing through reading of contemporary newspaper articles, magazines, short stories, poetry, and film, and enables students to enhance and extend their vocabulary. Students engage and explore contemporary historical and social topics and themes in Israeli and Jewish culture.

Level 3

  • Hebrew 5
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • This subject focuses on advanced modern literary texts, including study of contemporary Hebrew writers in prose and poetry, modern conversational idiom, and newspaper and academic articles. Students further extend their competencies in writing, reading, speaking and listening by engaging with authentic texts and situations. In this subject, Students will engage with authentic texts that deal with past and present themes of increasing complexity and that are of significance to Israeli and Jewish Culture. Students also acquire advanced linguistic structures that allow them to express with greater complexity their own experiences, aspirations and views.

  • Hebrew 6
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • This subject focuses on advanced modern literary texts, including study of contemporary Hebrew writers in prose and poetry, modern conversational idiom, and newspaper and academic articles. Students further extend their competencies in writing, reading, speaking and listening by engaging with authentic texts and situations. In this subject, Students will engage with authentic texts that deal with past and present themes of increasing complexity and that are of significance to Israeli and Jewish Culture. Students also acquire advanced linguistic structures that allow them to express with greater complexity their own experiences, aspirations and views. On completion of the subject students should have attained an understanding of advanced and academic articles and essays and a moderate level of complexity in speaking, aural comprehension, reading and writing of Hebrew.

  • Research in Contemporary Jewish Studies
    12.5 pts Chevron-down
  • This capstone subject offers students majoring in Hebrew and Jewish Studies the opportunity to extend and deepen their knowledge of the topic, sharpen their critical faculties in relation to source material and secondary literature, and acquire substantial skills in planning and executing a research project. Throughout this subject, students will utilise their knowledge of Jewish and Hebrew literature and language to develop evaluative reflections on the significant contributions of Jewish society, culture, philosophy, literature, language, history, and the arts. It is only available to students taking the Hebrew and Jewish Studies major.