
Bachelor of Biomedicine (Degree with Honours)

  • Course code: BH-BMED
1 year full time
Mode (Location)
On campus (Parkville)
February, July
Key dates
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) available
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Course structure


The Bachelor of Biomedicine (Degree with Honours) offers 20 programs across a range of biomedical and health sciences disciplines. If you are interested in developing your own piece of original research via a Higher Research Degree or entering the health professions such as doctors, dentists and clinical psychologists, the Honours program is an ideal pathway.

Course Structure

Students must complete 100 points comprising (full-time study is required for all programs except for Psychology):

  • Two to four 12.5 points Honours or postgraduate level advanced coursework subjects
    • The Advanced Coursework component is normally comprised of 400-level lectures and tutorials, journal clubs, literature review, oral presentations and other departmental activities.
  • A research project subject or subjects with total points value of between 50 and 75 points
    • The Research Project component comprises a research project in a specific area completed under the guidance of an academic who specialises in that area. The relative weightings of each of these components may vary between programs.

Course Completion Requirements

To be awarded, Honours students must gain:

  • pass in at least 100 points of subjects in their chosen program;
  • result of at least 65% in the research project;
  • weighted credit-point average of 65% or greater.


  • Students may be given permission to repeat an advanced coursework subject, or enrol in additional subject (s), in order to meet the requirement to pass 100 points. However the honours results will be determined over all subjects for which a result is entered. When the weighted credit-point average is less than 65%, the honours degree will not be awarded.
  • Some departments have other hurdle requirements. Refer to the departmental entries in the Handbook for further information.
Honours Streams Honours Coordinators
Anatomy, Neuroscience and Physiology
The program provides a wide range of opportunities for you to undertake biomedical research. Most of these projects fall within our largest research concentrations, Cell and Developmental Biology, and Neuroscience, but you will also see projects from our emerging research specialisations (such as Human Anatomical Research), and many Neuroscience projects offered by our colleagues from the Florey Institute for Neuroscience and Mental Health. Our Honours program is an advanced course of study and practical skill development. There is also a strong emphasis on learning to critically evaluate scientific publications, and learning to present your research findings to a wide audience. Therefore, it provides valuable real-world skills that are relevant and valuable preparation for a diverse range of professions, not solely for biomedical research.
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Dr Avnika Ruparelia
Dr Marlene Hao
Dr Lincon Stamp
Administrative Support:
Biochemistry and Pharmacology
The knowledge and techniques of the disciplines are applied in many biological fields, introduce you to the unified study of the interaction between chemical agents and living matter and have fuelled rapid advances in medical research and biotechnology. Our research groups work in the areas of biophysics, cell biology, chemical biology, computational biology, drug design and resistance, molecular pharmacology, genomics, immunology, metabolism, proteomics and structural biology. Disease focus includes infection, cancer, neurodegeneration and genetic diseases. Graduates will gain a broad appreciation of the scientific process of knowledge acquisition and problem solving. Many of our projects are situated within the Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, a multidisciplinary research centre specialising in medical, agricultural and environmental biotechnology which supports major technology platforms around mass spectrometry (proteomics/metabolomics/analytical), advanced electron and fluorescence microscopy, NMR and protein structural characterization.
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A/Prof Michael Menden

A/Prof Michael Griffin

Prof Isabelle Rouiller

Administrative Support:
Clinical Pathology
Clinical pathology aims to use the knowledge of disease mechanisms to prevent, diagnose or treat disease. This is done through the analysis and testing of fluids and tissues collected from patients, using a broad range of technologies including genomics, proteomics, histo/cytology and cell biology.The Honours program provides an exciting avenue for you to learn how state-of-the-art laboratory approaches lead to the discovery of clinically meaningful prevention, diagnostic and therapeutic tools. You will acquire important skills in experimental design, critical analysis of the research literature, and communication of research results in the oral and written formats. The program also enables you to become part of world-class research laboratories, where they will develop practical research skills whilst working on exciting biomedical research projects.
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Dr Jo Russell

Prof Frederic Hollande

Administration Inbox
Critical Care
The Department of Critical Care Honours Program is designed to offer research projects directly relevant to acute human disease and treatment of the high-risk, deteriorating and critical ill patient.

The projects offered are from leading clinician scientists in the areas of anaesthesia, emergency medicine and intensive care medicine, across a range of University-affiliated hospital sites. All supervisors have prominent national or international profiles with outstanding track records of exceptional mentorship and supervision.
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Dr Yasmine Ali Abdelhamid

Ms Violet Mukaro

Leanne Marshall
General Practice and Primary Care
Primary health care research focuses on the provision of primary, comprehensive and continuing health care. While our projects are often set in general practice, they may be about health care practitioners of any kind (such as nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, dentists, geneticist), their patients, or practices to improve the delivery of care. The program will provide you with the skills to conduct human research in the primary care setting via one of several broad research themes: Cancer in Primary Care; Children and Young People’s Health; Consumer Research; Data Driven Quality Improvement; Health Data Science for Medical Research; Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance; Primary Care Mental Health and Sexual Abuse and Family Violence. A wide variety of topics are available within these groups using a range of different research methodologies to develop capabilities in research design, analysis, communication and working collaboratively.
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Dr Christine Hallinan

Administrative Coordinator
Medical Biology (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute)
Medical Biology provides you the opportunity to enhance your knowledge in Cancer Research and Treatment, Computational Biology, Healthy Development and Aging, Infection Inflammation and Immunity, and New Medicines and Advanced Technologies. You will be introduced to current scientific literature and experimental techniques in specialised areas relevant to research in medical biology. The practical and analytical skills learnt will be used to address important original scientific questions in biomedical research.
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Dr Jessica Borger

Kerry Ko
Medicine (Austin Health)
Undertaking an Honours project with us is an exciting road for building a career in medical research, biotechnology, education and industry. Our program will provide exceptional opportunities to gain an understanding in and extend the practice of biomedical research. You will conduct an original research project in a basic or clinical research laboratory under the supervision of nationally and internationally recognised senior researchers and their laboratory group. Projects undertaken will either be part of an established larger study or provide the critical groundwork for developing exciting new projects within the early pre-clinical basic science setting or directly into a clinical setting.
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Dr Barbara Fam

Ms Jo Mayall
Medicine (Royal Melbourne Hospital)
The Royal Melbourne Hospital Honours program is designed to offer projects at the cutting-edge of medical research into human diseases. The research projects are at the interface of basic science, clinical medicine and population health and can lead to PhD programs in the future. Each project tackles a specific translational medicine problem so that it is directly relevant to a major human disease and presents an opportunity to study in collaboration with research scientists who are leaders in their fields.
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Dr Adrian Achuthan

Ms Simone Stahli Quinn
Medicine (St Vincent's Hospital)
Eastern Hill Precinct encompasses St Vincent's Hospital, the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital and the University of Melbourne Departments of Medicine at St Vincent’s, Surgery at St Vincent’s, Otolaryngology, Ophthalmology and Medical Bionics as well as our affiliated institute partners. Our campus undertakes translational research in basic and clinical disciplines with the ultimate goal to improve the treatment of human disease. As a cross-disciplinary precinct our research is driven clinical questions and covers aspects of basic biology and physiology, robotics and biomedical engineering, clinical and community-based epidemiology, and clinical trials of new therapies and devices. You will develop key practical skills and an understanding of how science is used to detect, diagnose and treat health conditions, and improve health outcomes for patients.
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Dr Amanda Edgley

Ms Meredith Faragher
Medicine (Western Health)
The Department of Medicine - Western Health conducts high quality research into acute and chronic diseases common in the western suburbs of Melbourne. We are a multidisciplinary platform with extensive experience in the design and conduct of large-scale, clinical randomised controlled trials, public health and transitional research. The state-of-the-art facilities at the Western Centre for Health, Research and Education (WCHRE) include a well-equipped gym, wet lab facilities for cell biology, protein chemistry and molecular biology, medical imaging (DXA, pQCT, MRI), pre-clinical facilities and a translational research unit. Our platform at Australian Institute for Musculoskeletal science (AIMSS) incorporates: (1) Clinical studies; (2) Pre-clinical studies; and, (3) cell biology/tissue culture capabilities. Our multi-disciplinary framework provides a comprehensive platform for diverse projects.
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Dr Nicole Stupka
Microbiology and Immunology
Microbiology and Immunology are key biological science disciplines. The knowledge and techniques gained in these disciplines are applied to a broad spectrum of biological fields and are in high demand in medical research, public health and the biotechnology sector. This Honours degree will provide you with the most advanced and up-to-date theoretical and practical knowledge in key basic biological processes, diseases and clinical conditions. In addition, an emphasis is placed on developing a foundation in practical skills required for a career in medical research, as well as critical skills in communication, team-work and modern scientific workplace knowledge.
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Dr Amy Chung

Prof Scott Mueller

Prof Damian Purcell

Dr Ashraful Haque

Administrative Support:
Optometry and Vision Sciences
The field of Vision Sciences is a highly multidisciplinary one, encompassing the physics of light and the imaging of the eye and all its parts, the molecular, anatomical and physiological basis of our visual sensation, the study of how visual signals are processed in many different areas of the brain, the study of how vision contributes to other brain functions, the pathology and clinical management of disorders of the eye and visual pathways and the visual dysfunction caused by general conditions such as diabetes and hypertension and, development of visual prostheses to help the blind to see. In undertaking a research project over the year, you will be working in labs that are at the cutting edge in their areas and will be learning a raft of fundamental concepts and techniques in vision research.
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Dr Livia Carvalho

Prof Trichur Vidyasagar
Oral Health Science
Good oral health plays a very important role in our overall health. Indeed, poor oral health is linked to cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and dementia, amongst other diseases. This stream provides you with opportunities to improve people’s health by undertaking research projects that will develop a better understanding of how good oral health can be maintained. The multidisciplinary projects, which can encompass microbiology, immunology, cancer biology, biochemistry & molecular biology, materials engineering, dental anthropology, and clinical studies, will enable you to follow your scientific passions and put into practise knowledge gained from prior studies. We are passionate about the mentoring and the training of the world’s future biomedical researchers and leaders. If you are passionate about improving people’s health, we encourage you to join us in the pursuit of life-changing knowledge.
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Dr Asli Mccarthy

Melbourne Dental School Academic Programs Team
Otolaryngology (Hearing Science)
Our Honours program offers an advanced level of study designed to allow you to specialise your knowledge in hearing sciences, and provides you with the skills required to carry out research related to the function of the auditory system, development of neural prostheses and/or the clinical treatment of hearing loss. In achieving this objective, you will develop abilities to critically analyse research literature, formulate research plans based on hypotheses and statistical requirements, present and defend research results and write a coherent research report.
Dr Aaron Collins
Paediatrics (Murdoch Children's Research Institute)
The Honours program is offered at the Melbourne Children’s Campus which is a unique collaborative partnership between the University of Melbourne Department of Paediatrics, the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) and the Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne (RCH). This program provides you with the opportunity to undertake world-leading research that incorporates a multi-disciplinary approach to research into child and adolescent health. Our ground breaking translational and patient-orientated research covers the breadth of paediatric disciplines and includes laboratory, experimental, public health and clinical projects. In addition to specific project skills this major will train you in research processes such as communication, human research ethics, grant writing, biostatistics, bioinformatics and critical thinking.
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Dr Ann Frazier

Ms Helen D'Cruz
The Honours in Pathology program provides the opportunity research investigating mechanisms of human disease. Students undertake a full-time research project based in a laboratory within the Department of Microbiology & Immunology or at one of our affiliated institutions and locations across campus and beyond. Projects typically focus on projects using cellular and molecular biology techniques to study a specific human disease. A student undertaking Honours in Pathology will have a strong interest in investigating and understanding the mechanisms of disease.
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Dr Theo Mantamadiotis

Administrative Support:
Physiotherapy Science
The Department of Physiotherapy Honours program is designed to offer research projects for those who seek to gain experience in clinical physiotherapy science. Given the depth and diversity of our research teams, the department is able to offer project opportunities in a range of areas including acute cardiorespiratory rehabilitation, exercise oncology, neurological rehabilitation, musculoskeletal, sports and exercise and paediatrics. Under the supervision of leaders in clinical research, you will develop an understanding of the scientific process by conducting an original project with the capacity to generate new and important information to improve the health and wellbeing of people across the lifespan.
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A/Prof Adam Bryant
Population and Global Health
Population and Global Health aims to improve health outcomes on a population level through the “art and science” of public health, both within Australia and abroad. It takes a multidisciplinary approach of qualitative and quantitative research that encompasses epidemiology, biostatistics, health humanities and social sciences. Students who choose this major may undertake a range of projects such as analysis of population statistics, qualitative research into sub-groups of the population, analysis of legal and ethical issues in health, evaluation of health programs and policies and more. The program provides an opportunity for you to enhance your understanding of health and develop sophisticated research skills in a discipline that interests you. Population and Global Health opens doors for those looking to expand their skills beyond the lab or clinic to learn how to conduct research for benefit at the population level.
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Dr Natalie Rose
A fourth year in Psychology accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) is a prerequisite for the further studies in Psychology that are necessary to register as a practicing psychologist. An APAC accredited fourth year in Psychology is also a recommended pathway for students wishing to undertake a higher research degree in Psychology to pursue a career in psychological research.
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Dr Adam Osth

Medical Research Institutes

Our affiliated research institutes offer hundreds of projects every year to Honours students via the nominated departments listed above.

Medical Research InstitutesContacts
Baker Heart and Diabetes
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Ms Leonie Cullen
Burnet Institute
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Dr Raffi Gugasyan
Murdoch Children's Research Institute
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Dr Belinda McClaren
The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Heath
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Ms Jacquie Munro-Smith
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
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Dr Erika Cretney