
Bachelor of Biomedicine (Degree with Honours)

  • Course code: BH-BMED
1 year full time
Mode (Location)
On campus (Parkville)
February, July
Key dates
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) available
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Your fees explained

Want more information about fees and payments?

What fees will I pay?

As a domestic undergraduate student, you will enrol in a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP), which is subsidised by the Australian Government. You’ll still need to pay a student contribution amount. This fee is organised in bands based on the discipline area of the subjects that you take, not the course you are studying. The discipline fees are set each year by the Australian Government.

You can pay your student contribution amount to the University when you enrol (upfront), or you can defer this cost through the Australian Government’s Higher Education Loan Program (HECS-HELP) if you’re eligible.


HECS-HELP is the Australian Government’s Higher Education Loan Program. It enables you to borrow the amount of your student contribution and then pay that loan back once you are in the workforce and earning at a specified level. A HECS-HELP loan is not means tested.

HECS-HELP is available to eligible Australian citizens and permanent humanitarian visa holders who are enrolled in a CSP.

Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)

Student Service and Amenities Fee (SSAF) funds are used to provide a wide range of services and amenities for students, and to support student-focused initiatives.

Generally, all students who are enrolled in 12.5 points (usually 1 subject or 0.125 EFTSL) study load or greater across the calendar year pay the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).

SA-HELP, a government funded loan scheme, is available to help eligible students pay all or part of their SSAF.

The Government’s Study Assist website provides more information about Commonwealth Supported Places, HECS-HELP and SA-HELP.

Other financial assistance

The University's Student Financial Aid Service can provide you with advice and information on student loans and bursaries/grants, cost of living, budgeting and tax advice.


Find a scholarship that's right for you

The Faculty, Departments and affiliated Medical Research Institutes offer various scholarships to provide you with financial support and acknowledgement of your academic achievements. Over 22% of our students have been awarded either a merit-based and/or financial need-based scholarship annually.

Frances Elizabeth Thomson Trust Scholarship

The scholarship is available to full-time students who are enrolled in the MDHS Honours program through the Bachelor of Biomedicine (Degree with Honours) and the Bachelor of Science (Degree with Honours). The scholarship offers a one-off payment of $5,000 annually to students who have demonstrated excellent academic performance in their undergraduate degree and a high level of financial needs.

Application and selection Process

You are not required to submit a scholarship application at the time of your course application. Eligible students* are invited to apply via email at the end of February and requested to complete an online Student Financial Assessment Form. Selection is based on your academic performance in your undergraduate degree and your total financial assessment score. Selection outcomes are released in April and May.

*Students who have already accepted a merit-based scholarship within the course duration are ineligible for this scholarship.

2022 Scholarship Awardees

Juulke Castelijn, Bachelor of Biomedicine (Degree with Honours) Student

Scholarship Recipient Photo

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the donor for this scholarship. My primary goal this year is to delve fully into research and commit to my research project. This has included moving out of home to be closer to the lab and working less to make time to take any and all learning opportunities. Receiving this scholarship lightens some of the financial pressure I have been facing as a result so I can be even more committed to learning all I can from this year. The hope is that this will be a springboard into a successful research career in the field of neuroscience which I have been passionate about for many years. I am very appreciative and grateful.

Xiuying Tang,  Bachelor of Biomedicine (Degree with Honours) Student

Scholarship Recipient Photo

I genuinely appreciate the generosity of the Frances Elizabeth Thomson Trust scholarship for empowering Honours research students like myself. As a student who has always been fascinated by the biomedical study of the human body, especially the pathology and clinical treatment of eye disease, I was fortunate enough to discover a project that investigates the intersection of several aspects that are of significant interest to me - diabetes, gut immunology and retinopathy. With this scholarship, financial pressure is reduced for me. I am ever more inspired to dedicate, full-time, to pursue my academic and research interests and strive to grow into a competent scientist who can contribute to the field of biomedical sciences.

Yuxi Cao, Bachelor of Biomedicine (Degree with Honours) Student

Scholarship Recipient Photo

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Frances Elizabeth Thomson for funding this scholarship. I am very honoured to be the recipient of this award. I am currently an Honours student at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, and I intend to pursue a career along the path of biomedical research. Receiving this scholarship is motivating as it somehow validates my ability and builds up my confidence to achieve my goals. It also alleviates my financial burden for living expenses as an international student in Australia.

2021 Scholarship Awardees

Susan Saldanha, Bachelor of Biomedicine (Degree with Honours) Student

Susan Daldanha Photo

I studied a double degree in health sciences and commerce at La Trobe University and I am now completing my honours year at the University of Melbourne with the intention of getting into the sexual health research field. Receiving this scholarship has lessened the financial burden on my shoulders and further motivates me to maintain my grades in my honours year. Doing well in my honours year is important to me as I would like to apply to study a PhD within sexual health. I aim to contribute to worthwhile research that advocates for gender equity, shape policy relating to prevention of violence against women and empower others to take control over their own sexual and reproductive health and well-being. It eases my mind knowing that there are scholarships such as this one for students like me and I thank you for your confidence and willingness in helping me achieve my goals.

Planning Saw, Bachelor of Biomedicine (Degree with Honours) Student

Planning Saw Photo

Since arriving in Melbourne four years ago, away from my family, I have been supporting myself financially through part-time work. It has been difficult balancing a full-time study load and work, therefore I am truly appreciative of this financial support as it allows me to better focus on my studies. I am an Honours student at the Department of General Practice, supervised by Prof Lena and Dr Marijana. I will be conducting a global scoping review on the available service navigation models in primary healthcare which improves the wellbeing of Indigenous youths. I was fortunate to have found an Honours project which aligns with my values as well as a very supportive research group.  This scholarship will go a long way in supporting my journey of primary care research, and my hopes of contributing to a more accessible and responsive primary care health system. 

Seoyoung Lee, Bachelor of Biomedicine (Degree with Honours) Student

Seoyoung Lee Photo

This scholarship offers me great financial relief and allows me to direct my focus on my study. Throughout my life as a person of colour, a migrant, and a woman, I was always intrigued by how one's identity often makes a huge difference in their life, particularly health. Such interest has led me to my current research on women's health and the socioeconomic factors that influence their cognitive ageing. Even in developed countries like Australia, the gap in health outcomes between different gender, ethnic, socioeconomic groups is immense. This is a significant concern of the modern world, with the accelerating trend of polarisation in both political and economic scenes across the globe. In such a social current, I believe it is our duty to bridge that gap, not only as health researchers but also as responsible citizens. With my heart set to pursue a career in the field of biomedicine, I will always remember the legacy of Frances Elizabeth Thompson: to be generous and caring, as one kind hand can make an immense difference in the life of someone in need.

Scholarships offered by Departments and Medical Research Institutes

Please visit their website or contact their Honours coordinator for more details.